Vertigo Theatre’s mission is to thrill, entertain and inspire our audiences and artists with high quality experiences by developing and producing outstanding intrigue and mystery theatre. In this way, Vertigo Theatre productions often contain themes of heightened human emotion and intensity.
The following audience advisories are provided with the understanding that some spoilers may be revealed. These warnings are subject to change without notice and may evolve throughout the workshop and rehearsal process of each production .
The woman in bLack
By Stephen Mallatratt, Based on the Novel by Susan Hill
September 28 - October 27, 2024
This production is described as “a story of haunting and evil, fear and confusion, horror and tragedy.”
Recommended for ages 13+. This age recommendation is given as a guide and should not be taken as rigid. Individual preferences and parental discretion should also be considered.
Minor language is used. The story is set in Victorian England, speech and text is heightened and written in a more formal style consistent with the setting.
Scenes of Violence
Distressing descriptions of drowning & death. Lights and sounds are used with the intent to frighten.
Scenes of Intimacy/Sexual content
Special Effects
This production contains loud sounds, sudden blackouts, complete darkness strobe lighting effects, flashes of light, and non-toxic stage haze.
Content Warning
This production contains distressing descriptions of drowning and the death of a family including children and animals. There may be sounds of sobbing and screams. Lights may change suddenly.
By Steven Dietz, Adapted from the novel by Agatha Christie
November 16 - December 21, 2024
A comic mystery for the stage!
Minor language is used.
Scenes of Violence
Depictions of a “dead body” on stage.
Scenes of Intimacy
Characters may kiss on stage.
Special Effects
Stage haze, flashing lights.
Content Warning
Some sexual tension and innuendos are in the dialogue of the play.
By David Foley
February 1 - March 2,2025
Scenes contain explicit language.
Scenes of Violence
Staged Violence. Characters are hit with objects and are threatened at knifepoint and gunpoint. Gunshots are fired. Characters are bound and gagged, picked up and carried off violently. Depictions of stabbing. References to “chopping a body up”. Depictions of stage blood.
Scenes of Intimacy And Sexual Content
Characters may kiss. References to a video containing sexual content used for blackmail. References to sexual relations. References to relations of an incestuous nature. Characters wear revealing costumes. Partial nudity (character appears in thong-style underwear).
Special Effects
Stage haze and strobe lighting effects. Scenes contain staged violence including loud gunshots and stage blood.
Content Warning
Mature content warning. Please see above descriptions.
A futuristic whodunnit.
Reccomended for Grades 8 and up.
Minor language is used.
Scenes of Intimacy/Sexual Content
Low content.
Scenes of Violence
Characters fight onstage. References to poison and death.
Special Effects
Water based stage fog, flashing light effects, projection.
Content Warning
References to poison and death. Projections depicting a futuristic virtual reality world.
Cucina Glossary
Welcome to the setting of A KILLING AT LA CUCINA where online worlds are just as real to these characters as the physical plain.
Artificial Intelligence, Avatars and Virtual Reality are all tools at Lucia Dante’s disposal.
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI): Computer systems/machines that can reason, learn, act and process data in such a way that sometimes exceeds the scale of what humans can analyze.
AVATAR - the visual,graphic or animated representation of a user online
VIRTUAL REALITY (VR)- A three dimensional image or environment that can seemingly be interacted with, in what can feel like a real way. Often requires special equipment like a helmet with a screen. Some of the characters in this story hope to create a Virtual Reality, Online Dining, experience which would supposedly transcend the act of physically consuming food.